Information about the department
People and structure
Our organisation structure, ministers, key staff, strategy, action plans, and vision.
Jobs and working at the Department of Education
Information about teaching careers, including how to get qualified, incentives, scholarships, pathways into teaching, and applying for jobs.
Governance and reporting
Download our annual reports, action plans, travel reports, budget information, integrity registers and procurement activity plans.

Contact the Department of Education
Contact details for our offices, regions, accessing school records, freedom of information requests. Find out how to provide feedback or make a complaint.
Structure and organisational chart
Our organisational structure, groups, advisory councils, regions, authorities and committees.
Ministers and key staff
Profile information about the ministers and key staff responsible for the Department of Education.
Legislation and ministerial orders
The department supports its portfolio ministers to administer Acts of parliament and subordinate legislation they are responsible for.
Annual reports
Our annual report details how we are delivering on our commitment to providing Victorians with the best learning and development experience.
For teachers and school staff

Information for schools
Access to essential resources, including policy information, HR services, professional development opportunities, and teaching materials.

Remote access to secure applications and online services.

Protecting children: Mandatory reporting and other obligations
How to enrol in and complete this online training.
Policy and Advisory Library
Find operational policies and guidance for schools from the Department of Education.
HRWeb for schools
Human resources information and services for principals, managers and employees.
eduMail (employee email)
Log into your employee email.
What’s happening

Teach the future
Stay informed about the "Teach the Future" campaign, recruiting more teachers and supporting the existing teaching workforce.

The Best Start, Best Life reforms
Learn more about the biggest changes to Victoria’s early childhood education sector in a generation, including significant investment in the kindergarten workforce and infrastructure.

Your world. Your VCE.
Secondary school options have expanded to include VCE, VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Contact us
Contact details for our offices, regions, accessing school records, freedom of information requests, and how to provide feedback or make a complaint.
Conducting business with us
Information on conducting business with us, including remote access, data requests, fees and fines, procurements, onboarding and data, and hire or licensing school facilities.